Island of the Gods

APRIL 1 - 12, 2025

Our time in paradise will be an incredible hybrid of one-of-a-kind experiences, cultural exploration and a healthy dose of relaxation and self-indulgence.

Together we will marvel at Bali’s natural beauty, explore Balinese spiritual practices, create traditional crafts, and delight in the bustle of the Ubud Markets. Each activity on the 12-day tour has been expertly curated to ensure a unique and memorable visit to the Island of the Gods. 

Our incredible accommodations for 9 nights will be at the Om Ham Retreat, located just outside of Ubud. Meaning ‘to find god within,’ Om Ham was built to provide a tranquil sanctuary where nature, spirituality, and wellness converge. In addition to luxurious private rooms and enchanting views of the lush rice fields, the resort offers yoga, meditation, farm-to-table dining, an infinity pool, and healing and spa services.

Dive into our daily itinerary and start dreaming of all the unforgettable adventures awaiting you in Bali. Don’t hesitate to book this soulful journey to a truly magical destination! We would love to travel with you!

Tour Cost

$3,360 per person (single) 

  • • Hotel accommodations for 11 nights

    • A lovely host and friendly guides

    • All meals

    • Airport transfers

    • Transportation for all activities

    • A gift bag

    • All activities mentioned in the itinerary

  • • Flights

    • Additional activities not mentioned in the itinerary

    • Gratuities

    • Transportation other than designated shuttle times

    • Additional food and beverages not included with meals


  • “Om Swastiastu” - Arrival Day

    Welcome to the Island of the Gods! Upon arrival, a private driver will whisk you away to The Omham Retreat & Resort, a serene resort nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Ubud. Our fabulous hosts will be there to provide a warm welcome to Bali and show you to your private accommodations for the next 10 nights.

    Ubud is situated in the island’s uplands and is known as a center of traditional Balinese crafts and dance. It is surrounded by a stunning landscape of rainforest and terraced rice paddies dotted with ancient Hindu temples and shrines.

    On the first evening, we’ll gather together for a brief orientation and a chance to officially introduce ourselves, followed by our first group dinner of freshly prepared, traditional Balinese cuisine.

    *For those who would like to arrive early and would like help making arrangements, let us know and we’ll connect you with our Bali hosts who’ll happily assist you.

    Included meals: Dinner

  • “Melukat” & Bali Swing

    Good Morning, Bali!

    After breakfast, we’re off to one of Bali’s best kept secrets, the Mengening Temple. Pilgrims from around the island and surrounding areas visit Mengening to collect its holy water and cleanse themselves in the sacred pools. In this natural wonderland, we’ll have the opportunity to participate in Water healing or melukat, a ritual that has been used for generations in religious and spiritual blessings and as therapeutic tool for personal healing.

    For our next stop, we’ll head high above the lush landscape of the rice fields of Tegalalang to an incredible spot that promises spectacular views and the safe thrills of the Bali Swing for adventure seekers. Get your cameras ready!

    Following a delicious lunch, we return to our home base for free time before heading out for a delicious dinner at a local Balinese restaurant.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Spa Day & Free Time To Explore

    This morning will be about rest, rejuvenation and soaking up the tranquility of the Bali spirit at a luxurious spa in Ubud. Indulge in 3 relaxing treatments to unwind and refresh from your long flight and to help prepare you body and spirit for the magical days ahead. A healthy, 3-course lunch will be served in the lovely gardens of the spa restaurant.

    Following lunch, you’ll be free to spend time exploring the heart of Ubud or you may return to the resort for an afternoon of continued relaxation. Options for dinner include an unhurried meal at Omham or eating out at one of Ubud’s wonderful restaurants.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Sound Healing At The Pyramids Of Chi & “Canang Sari”

    After breakfast, we’ll take a short drive to the mystical Pyramids of Chi to be led through an enchanting session of sound healing. The Balinese utilize these sound sessions to heal the mind, body and spirit and to create a deep sense of tranquility through the vibrations of trance-like music.

    After our healing session, we’ll enjoy lunch served in the beautiful cafe located in the gardens before going back to Omham. The afternoon will be spent learning the Balinese practice of canang sari, or the making of traditional offerings. Balinese offerings are a conscious expression of gratitude, intended to please and honor the Island of the Gods.

    In the evening, we will dine together at one of the most famous restaurants in the city of Ubud!

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Volkswagen Convertible Tour

    Today we’ll soak in the beauty of Bali on a scenic drive, with the tops down and hair blowing in the wind in VW convertibles! Riding in style, we’ll have a full day to explore rural villages of the island, soak in the stunning beauty of the lush landscapes and crop fields, meeting many lovely people along the way.

    Back at Omham for the evening, we’ll relax and enjoy a nourishing dinner on the rooftop terrace.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Mala Bead Ceremony & Free Time

    After breakfast, we’ll have the honor of participating in a mala creation ceremony. More than a simple string of beads, a mala is a set of 108 stones intentionally crafted as a tool to support spiritual practices and meditation, aiding in quieting the mind and increasing mental clarity. With guidance, you’ll create your own mala, setting intentions and goals with each knot tied.

    Lunch will be served at Omham and the afternoon is yours to spend however you would like. A massage, a long walk, shopping - our hosts will be happy to help find the best use of your time based on your motivations! We’ll join together again at the end of the day for another amazing meal in Ubud.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Balinese Cooking Class & “Boreh”

    This morning, we’re invited to the village home of a local culinary instructor to learn the basics of Balinese cuisine. We’ll learn the purpose and preparation of all of the fresh ingredients and will feast together on the assortment of ‘makan enak’ (yummy food) that we’ve created.

    Back at Omham, there will be time for rest before an optional Boreh workshop. Boreh is a traditional Balinese body scrub made of an aromatic blend of natural spices and herbs. It has been used for centuries for both cosmetic and medicinal purposes, helping to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, bone pain, fever, chills, and headaches. This workshop will be both educational and a delight for the senses!

    Later in the evening, we’ll head out for dinner at one of the best restaurants in Bali.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Batik Painting & Tea Tasting

    Once again, we begin the day invited into the home of a local talent for a workshop on the art of batik, an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth. We will spend a few hours playing with color and creating beautiful cloths before moving to Ubud for lunch. Following lunch, we will be led through a special tea ceremony, when we’ll sample a variety of teas grown in the Indonesian archipelago.

    In the late afternoon we’ll make our way back to Omham for a relaxing evening of free time and another delicious dinner.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Herbal Walk & Botanicals Workshop

    Today's outing will take us on a stroll through the scenic rice fields of Ubud. Along this walk, we will learn about the uses of common plants and herbs passed down for generations in traditional Balinese medicine. We will also explore unique, Southwest Asian spices used as both local cuisine flavors and natural healing agents.

    After our walk, we’ll have the opportunity to use our new herbal knowledge to create a variety of traditional Balinese herbal products including pain relief balms, body care products, sunblock and beverages.

    The rest of the afternoon will be yours to do as you wish. We’ll reconvene in the evening for dinner.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Sanur

    Following breakfast, we will pack up, bid farewell to OmHam and take a leisurely drive to Sanur, a seaside town in southeast Bali. After check in, there will be many optional ways to spend the rest of the day. You may choose to explore the shops and art galleries of Sanur, walk along the calm, shallow waters of the beach, or take a bike for a spin down the paved path!

    For those interested, there will be an optional outing for a sunset performance of the Kecak, Bali Fire Dance. Said to originate from the Balinese ancient ritual Sanghyang and aimed to repel evil spirits dancing in a trance-like state, Kecak has become a theatrical display of traditional dance. The performance will take place at the magnificent Uluwatu Temple, perched atop a 230-foot cliffside. We will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant near the temple after the ceremony.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Free time in Sanur

    On your full last day in Bali, the time is yours to spend as you wish. Rent an electric bike to explore the Sanur area? A nap in the fresh air? A massage? Last minute shopping? All of these options and more are available to you, and our lovely hosts will be happy to brainstorm additional ideas.

    Lunch will be provided in town and in the evening we’ll join together at one of the best restaurants in the area for a farewell dinner to honor and celebrate the experiences and new friendships that have defined our time on the Island of the Gods.

    Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

  • Checkout & Departure

    As they say in Bali, “Selamat tinggal!”

    Included meals: Breakfast


Paradise in paradise; we’ll stay at the tranquil, magnificent OmHam Retreat & Resort, where our hosts treat us like family.

All rooms are single rooms with a private bathroom.

Physical Demands: Moderate 

While this isn’t a rigorous trip and plenty of relaxation time is incorporated into the itinerary, please understand that participants need to be in good health to join us. This trip may involve somewhat long days, nature walks up to 1.5 miles in distance, walking on uneven or unpaved surfaces with some slight inclines, multiple activities each day, being outdoors in potentially warm temperatures, and early morning wake-ups.

Group Size : 8 - 10 women

  • A $1,000 deposit is required to secure your spot on this trip.

“A wonderful itinerary of varied experiences, and I loved ALL of them---such a lovely cross section of culture, food, and scenery! Each day was a new adventure, but without pressure or lines.”


“From start to finish the trip was well planned and executed. By the end of our journey we were all family. The tours, the drivers, the meals and excursions were all on par. Loved every minute of it.”


“I had a fabulous time! It's been my favorite trip to date and it sets a high bar for my future travels.”
